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تفضل بالجلوس واستكشف المكتب إذا كنت تشارك المحقق شغفه بقهوة نسبرسو.
هل ترغب بفنجان قهوة من تشكيلة أصناف القهوة الشخصية للمحقق؟

أربيجيو - سادة، قوية وعبقة
الصنف المثالي للاسبريسو. أربيجيو هي قهوة كثيفة ومخملية وكريمية. إنها القهوة التي لا أستغني عنها لساعات عملي الطويلة.
قائمة المشتبه بهم
- فولوتو4حلوة وخفيفة
تمتزج الروائح الخفيفة والسخية لأصناف الأرابيكا البرازيلية والكولومبية برشاقة في هذه الخلطة. فولوتو هي خلطة اسبريسو لحياة مشرقة. فالتحميص بدرجة متوسطة يخفف من نكهات الحبوب في الأرابيكا البرازيلية ويحولها إلى نكهة بسكويت حلو، والأرابيكا الكولومبية المعالجة بالغسل تضيف نكهات الفاكهة الحمراء المنعشة للخلطة. يترافق التحميص بدرجة متوسطة مع الطحن الذي يصقل هذه النكهات في قوام متكامل ويعطي قهوة اسبريسو متوازنة. تأخذنا فولوتو في رحلة مسترخية كرائحة المخبوزات الطازجة التي خرجت حديثاً من الفرن. وتحافظ اسبريسو فولوتو على قوامها المتكامل والمتوازن حتى بعد إضافة الحليب.
- نابولي13داكنة بامتياز وكريمية
Ispirazione Napoli is inspired by the intense dark coffee seen in this city . A coffee in Naples is more than just a coffee, it’s a deep-rooted ritual held by the locals. It’s home to the Neapolitan flip coffee pot that turned aristocratic coffee into everyman’s daily habit. It’s home to the suspended coffee tradition of buying two coffees but drinking one and leaving the receipt for the second to be claimed later by someone less well-off. City of grit and beauty, it’s home to short, dark, strong and creamy coffee. We crafted Ispirazione Napoli to honor the city’s rich coffee tradition and the popular bond it creates. It takes real skill to roast to the intense degree they do in Naples. The boldness of Ispirazione Napoli ‘s roast endeavors to pay tribute to the expertise of the local roasters from Italy’s coffee capital. We created Ispirazione Napoli to be our darkest and most intense roast to reflect this traditional Neapolitan coffee. We carefully selected beans that could stand up to this degree of roasting. Ispirazione Napoli delivers an extremely thick body, a creamy mouthfeel, and a delicious bitter note that lingers in its aftertaste.
- روما8قوية وبلمسة الأخشاب
Ispirazione Roma is inspired by the different layers of civilization towering up to the present day, where the Modern adds its layer of elegance to the history of the city. The coffee has a popular taste forged by time and the rich southern Italian influences, enlivened by a dash of modern elegance found in its delicate acidity. Roman roasters shrewdly developed their roasting techniques to achieve an aromatic profile that wisely combined the popular ancient taste with a twist of modernity. To mirror their skill, we gave Ispirazione Roma the shortest and lightest roast of our range. It results in a subtle balance between the intensity and depth of the woodsy, cereal notes, and the finesse of the acidity and elegant aromatics - true to Rome’s rich history of contrasts.. A shot of this Intenso coffee and you’re headed straight into a virtual Roman holiday.
- ريستريتو ايطاليانو10قوية ومتناقضة
Inspired by the ambassador of all Italian coffees, we chose not to imitate but to roast our own version. The ristretto is the essence of Italy’s iconic coffee culture. It’s not reflective of any one city – it’s Italy. It’s the fashion, the art, the cuisine – it’s the consistent elegance and excellence of Italy as a whole. Inspired by this ambassador of all Italian coffees, we chose not to imitate but to roast our own version. Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano is a blend of diverse Arabica and Robustas – a contrasting bouquet from around the world – together they recreate the iconic Italian taste. Ispirazione Ristretto Italiano is a medium-dark roast. In one short, sharp sip, this blend reveals all its intensity and complexity of aromas. It’s a roasty and intense coffee accented by fruity notes and a hint of acidity dancing through. It’s a profile worthy of an ambassador – a coffee that explains Italians’ passion for coffee and makes sense of why it’s ingrained in daily life.
- باليرمو كازار12كثافة وقوام إستثنائي
Ispirazione Palermo Kazaar is inspired by this city’s multicultural character. Sicily once lay on the path of the ancient coffee trade and this crossroads of African and Arabic influence shaped their dark and Robusta-heavy cup profile. Ispirazione Palermo Kazaar captures the African and Arabian dark coffee influences and creates an intensely dark roast from the south that highlights the wild and spicy character of this blend. This coffee will delight you with its exceptional intensity, its audacious bitterness, and those peppery notes leaping out through the thick, syrupy body. The daring intensity of Ispirazione Palermo Kazaar comes from its two unwashed Robustas – a classic way to get a strong cup. A washed Robusta adds a creamy texture. Rounded off with a touch of Latin American Arabica, Ispirazione Palermo Kazaar is split roasted so each coffee’s characteristics can shine through. The Robustas bring audacious bitterness, body, and peppery notes. The Arabica lends sweetness to the blend.